Народные силы самообороны


Our Guerrillas killed Five soldiers belonges to the operational forces of the Turkish state army in Batman during a military operation aiming find and destroy our Guerrilla forces

On 16th of April, 2010, in between the hours of 20:00-21:00, the Turkish state army bombarded the areas of Xantur and Sesdara, and as well as all the borderlines / Haftanin / the Medya Defence Area, with obus and mortars.

On 14th of April, 2010, the Turkish state army started a military operation in the area of Bilika/Cudi. Later, this operation has been widened towards the areas of Benavva and Nevava with air-support. On 15th and 16th of April, the Cobra type war helicopters intensively bombarded the areas of Benavva, Bogaza Reza, Riyale Cevher, Nevaya Hatti and Afroka. While the area of the military operation extends, time to time clashes occurred in between our Guerrilla and the Turkish state forces. Within the coming days we will be giving more detail information related to these developments.

On 23th of April, 2010, the Turkish state army have had started a military operation against the HPG guerrilla forces, in areas of the countryside of the Sason / Batman. On April 15, at 14:30 daylight,  a clash occurred in between the guerrilla army and the enemy forces as a result of the military operation of the enemy in the areas of Golav, Belesav, Segire, Gire Ziyaret, Geliye Zore and Kozluk / Sason.  As e result of this clash five (5) enemy soldiers have been killed, the military operation still continoues.

On 15th of April, 2010, in between the hours of 22:00-23:00, the Turkish state army bombarded the area of Ciyares and the village of Talisa/Zap/the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars.

On 15th of April, 2010, the Turkish state army have been started a military operation in the areas of Bagok Zirvesi, Pulme, Xirbe Cinnete and Kirse / Nusaybin / Mardin. The military operation continued with air-support until 16th of April and pulled back with no results.

The Press Liasion Center – HPG
