Народные силы самообороны


1- On 3 May at around 22:30 hour, a clash occurred in between operational forces of enemy units consists of policemen and soldiers, and our guerrillas nearby the Village of Gundike Mele (Balveren)/Sirnak. As a result, we have clerified that 2 policemen wounded and, 2 of our guerrillas also reached to martry.

The I.D. Details of our Martryed Guerrillas are as Follow:

Code Name: Nidal Cudi

Real Name: Ahmet Bilal

Year and Place of Birth: 1983/Afrin

Name of Mother: Fadile

Name of Father: Ahmet Bilal

Year and place of Participation: 2000/Afrin

Year and Place of Martry: 3 May 2012/Sirnak

Code Name: Mazlum Urmiye

Real Name: Siyamek Selamet

Year and Place of Birth: 1990/Urmiye

Name of Mother: Feride

Name of Father: Muhyettin

Year and place of Participation: 2005/Urmiye

Year and Place of Martry: 3 May 2012/Sirnak

2- On 8 May in between 07:00-09:00 hours, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar attacks on the area of Ciyares, in the town of Seladize.

HPG Media and Communication Center
