Народные силы самообороны


On 29 July, there has been a clash occurred in between operational Turkish state army forces and our guerrillas in the rural areas of the Village of Aktutun/Semzinan/Hakkari. As a result of 3 hour long clash, 4 enemy soldiers killed by our guerrillas.

Aftermath of the clash, the Turkish state army bombarded the area of clash with cobra type attack helicopters, obus and mortars, and as a result of these bombardments one of our friend name called Andok Mardin, who participated in 2006, reached to martry.


The I.D. Details of our Guerrilla reached to Martry is as Follow:

Andok - Bedran Kaya

Code Name: Andok Bagok

Real Name: Bedran Kaya

Year and Place of Birth: 1975/Mardin

Name of Mother: Sukriye

Name of Father: Mehmet Selim

Year and Place of Participation: 2006/Mardin

Date and Place of Martry: 29 July 2011/Semdinli-Hakkari

HPG Press and Communication Center
