Народные силы самообороны


The cease-fire framework announced on 30 September 2010 in a press conference is strictly abided by our forces. However the manner with which the Turkish state forces act continue to strain the cease-fire conditions. In addition, the diplomatic activities and manner adopted by the AKP government against the Kurdistan freedom movement does not correspond with neither the spirit nor the concept of the process. This results in an insincere behaviour in the democratic resolution of the Kurdish issue.

The permission for a cross-border operation has recently been placed on the agenda and decided upon in a secret session. This is not just a threat against our movement but against the Kurdish people in general and it includes the framework of war preparations. In addition, due to the unstopped political genocidal operations Kurdish politicians continue to be arrested and the policy of arresting the members of the peace-group that went into Turkey (in October 2009) also continue. There is also an increasing amount of military operations since last week. Despite all the care taken by our forces and careful course of action such military operations at times turn into engagement
and lead to mutual loss of lives. Ever since the 8th ceasefire has been announced (30 September-15 October 2010) the Turkish army has attacked the median defence region 15 times with howitzer cannon fire, 3 bombardments with helicopters and 22 military operations in North Kurdistan. As a result of these operations 4 freedom guerrillas have been martyred. The latest incidence of clashes and losses comes from the Dersim region where after the adoption of the decision for cross-border operation, military operations have been taken up in this region. The Turkish press reported that there are losses on both sides.

It must be underlined that the losses in Dersim are not due to any action on the side of the guerilla forces. These losses are due to attacks by the military forces of the Turkish army against the guerilla posts with an intent to exterminate. Those who have decided on such an operation are the ones responsible for the loss of lives of both the guerillas and soldiers. The commanders who have decided on such an operation and the AKP government who has not stopped such an operation are the ones responsible for the spilled blood of the Kurdish and Turkish youth.

The AKP government has not made any positive efforts to turn the limited ceasefire that was extended on 30 September 2010 into an unlimited ceasefire. On the contrary, since 1 October with arrests in Urfa it has re-began to arrest politicians within the framework of political genocide in many other districts and provinces. The manner and behaviour of the government has been one that provokes clashes. Such a behaviour of the AKP government is an insistence on a political stance that provokes clashes and shows no display of effort to halt clashes or the blood spill. This is a total irresponsibility on the part of the AKP government and it is clear that they shall be held totally responsible for any future developments.

Despite this reality an AKP representative has made the follwong statement in relation to yesterday's clashes “..they say they have declared a ceasefire, it has been understood that they are not sincere”. This is a total deceitfulness. We declared a ceasefire and we abide by it. But no single person shall await death; everyone shall make use of their sacred right to defence. Kurdistan freedom guerilla have made use of its right to defence against the Turkish army forces that have pushed against the guerilla posts and clashes as a result have occurred. Right after such a contact has occurred the operation has been enlarged to encompass all of the Dersim region both from air and land. Although, as yet not clear, there seems to be more losses. It is not the guerilla forces and movement responsible for these losses but the Turkish state and government for attacking the guerilla forces who are in a state of ceasefire.

All the pro-peace democratic organizations and institutions that do not desire this period of ceasefire to turn into a period of clashes must not remain silent in the face of these operations and demand that they be stopped as well as to call for an end to the special warfare policies of the AKP government. It is clear that the present situation proceeds to a very dangerous point under the influence of political and military operations. We call on all the NGO's as well as all those who are pro-peace to act now in order to end the military and political operations that sabotage the ceasefire despite our good-will.

Executive Council Presidency of the KCK

15 October 2010