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The arrival and magnificent reception of the peace groups has turned the plans of Turkish state upside down. Despite the reception with the Kurdish people showing their insistence on a democratic solution, KCK Executive Council Member Mustafa Karasu criticised the lack of understanding shown to this message and called attention to the provocative statements made by the government and other politicians. By taking the peace emissaries to their hearts the Kurdish people have bankrupted the state’s policy of solving this problem without interlocutors, said Karasu. Furthermore, it has bankrupted the AKP’s use of the expansion as election propaganda. The attacks on the DTP are aimed at creating psychological pressure, he said.

Indicating that Turkey needed to formulate a new policy, Karasu said that this was an important turning point. If democratic forces organise and unite, they will be able to withstand the state’s old mentality and open the path for the democratic solution, he said. Karasu insisted that at a time when the state was attempting to stall and create excuses to stop the democratic solution, Kurdish Leader Abdullah Öcalan had made a call for peace groups to be sent. He added that the sending of the peace emissaries was a test for the Turkish state.

KCK Executive Council Member Mustafa Karasu also underlined the fact that the Kurdish Freedom Movement had shown respect for Turkey’s sensibilities and its national and social values. Karasu also interpreted the Turkey Prime Minister Erdoğan’s threat of ‘we will scrap everything and begin from the beginning.’ These words have nothing to do with democratic or political ethics he said. ‘‘Nobody can scrap anything or begin from the beginning. The democratic solution is as much a necessity for Turkey as it is for the Kurds. The AKP’s small-town politician mask has fallen and they have gone into a stupor, so much so that they don’t know what they are saying. Can a Prime Minister who is threatening the Kurds and the Freedom Movement solve this problem?” Karasu asked.

Karasu interpreted Erdoğan’s ‘this is the last chance’ statement as an obscene threat. He highlighted that threatening the people’s struggle for existence was an attack on their very existence. Karasu further underlined that the AKP had not taken any serious steps towards solving the problem, and for this reason saying that ‘this is the last chance’ didn’t mean anything.

Karasu also stated that the CHP with the assistance of the Turkish Army was pressurising the AKP, and that this was a strategy to end their rule. He added that the aggressiveness of the CHP was an expression of their cultural genocide policy towards the Kurds. He ended by saying that the MHP’s attacks were aimed at suppressing and impeding the Kurdish people and the DTP’s democratic struggle.