In the second part of this interview, Cemil Bayik, co-chair of the KCK Executive Council, spoke about the failure of the international institutions to put pressure on Turkey to end the violation of all international laws in Imrali.
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Cemil Bayık said that the initiative for the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan yielded important results in 2024 and that it should be positively concluded in 2025.
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In the second part of this interview, Duran Kalkan, member of the KCK Executive Council, said that "the Turkish plans in South Kurdistan have been frustrated again."
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Duran Kalkan, member of the KCK Executive Council, spoke about the developments in Syria, where the country is heading now, and what impact the current developments have on the forces involved.
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Led by the YJA-Star, the guerrillas have dealt heavy blows to the occupying Turkish state from Ankara to the free mountains of Kurdistan this year. How do you evaluate the guerrilla struggle in 2024?
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Sozdar Avesta, member of the Presidential Council of the KCK, spoke about the current developments in Syria, and what they mean for the Democratic Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria.
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Press Release
The Kurdish people and the Kurdistan Freedom Movement entered 2024 with resistance and sustained their struggle throughout the year against relentless enemy attacks.
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Guerrilla Xebat Hîmo from Rojava, who fought in many regions of the country and dedicated his life to the struggle for freedom, wrote his name in golden letters in history like thousands of heroes of Kurdistan.
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Press Release
The details of the actions carried out by our guerrilla forces and the attacks of the occupying Turkish army are as follows:
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