Народные силы самообороны

Abdullah OCALAN

The earthquake in Elazýg is quite distressing. I extend my condolences to the families of the people who lost their lives.

Apparently a new party under the name of “Equality and Democracy Party” has been founded. This must have been the most remarkable development of all for the left. They probably will receive 1-2 percent of the votes. But if they work well and make alliances, they will be able to increase their votes. They should further expand their cooperation. Those on the left should widen their horizons. The old left jargon is known, it is the jargon of real socialism. This jargon has been defeated and should be abandoned. The left must renew itself. They should gather around common grounds. All the leftist and democratic circles should know that we are not separatists and that we are sincere. We are committed to the people's democratic unity. For this reason, we defend a common life within the framework of  democratic country, democratic nation, democratic republic and democratic constitution. This is vital for Turkey.

All the leftist and democratic parties can unite under the same roof. BDP should be able to approach these issues seriously. If this alliance is achieved then the ten percent threshold can easily be surpassed. Once this threshold is exceeded, a tremendous force will be come about and will sweep all the anti-democratic laws, implementations and institutions. If everyone, and I mean in a wide framework, got together then this ten percent threshold will be exceeded. The atmosphere is also suitable for this. The AKP does not want to lift the ten percent threshold, because it is also in its own interest not to do so. The threshold clearly reveals the AKP's anti-democratic  face, this is a threshold for democracy. This is the demand of the global capital. And since AKP implements their policies they will not be willing to reduce the threshold so easily. There is also the new policy of the so called parliamentarians of Turkey, this is a trap. Such a concept is another side to the policy of elimination. BDP is already opposed to it and has stated her own requests. BDP could transform itself into a peace project.

I greet both Sevim and Mihri Belli. I hope Mihri Belli gets well soon. Their ideals are our ideals and we will always keep them alive. My views on democratic communalism is known. My critique of Marxism should be understood well. I am not against Marxism I am only making some constructive criticism. Marx too nurtured ideas on communalism during his youth. He was influenced by the Paris Commune and had generated ideas about it in his youth. Thousands of young people can be organized around the idea of democratic communalism.

An important difference, something that catches the eye in the Iraqi elections is the Goran movement. It seems a little different in terms of a change in mentality and a change in the feudal and tribal structures. In Iran there are still those who are waiting in the death row after receiving the death sentence for political reasons. I wish them patience and endurance. Amongst the prisoners in Iran, there is also  Zeynep Celaliyan. I send special greetings to her. On the Anniversary of the massacre of our people in Syria Qamishlou, I reiterate my condolences. They should strengthen their organization.

On the occasion of the approaching Newroz my call to all our people in Syria, Iran, Iraq and to all our people in Europe is as follows: As I pointed in my court defenses written earlier a National Conference should convene within the five principles and four practical proposals that I have made and declare a National Congress. This congress should establish common policies for all Kurds. Common line of defense should be established and and defense forces should be joined together. The danger of an assault against the Kurdish people is still present. U.S. is about to withdraw from Iraq. The Arab states may suffocate the Kurdish Regional Government. They should also be aware of such a danger. There is the danger for a big final attack, I warn you all. They may attempt massacres ten times worse than that of Halabja. They may intervene to eliminate the regional government there. Both Barzani and Talabani should be aware of the seriousness of the situation. If Kurds do not want to share the fate of the Armenians and the Greeks they must unite. In order to do this they should establish a common national congress and an assembly. Secondly, they should join their defense forces for the dangers ahead. Thirdly, just as the PLO they should form a national joint execution body.

We are for a democratic solution and peace. Our efforts to this end continue but a resolution can still not be formed. Let me say this: I have sent letter to both the PKK and the state letters that contain my proposals for a solution. I am waiting for replies. We shall then evaluate the final situation. The operations undertaken in Europe is a continuation of the Turkey's desire to eliminate. You will find the US behind it all. This is a joint policy by US and England. Behind AKP lies the Anglo-Saxon policies. It is London centered. On the other hand the CHP and MHP policy is the fascism of the White Turkism. It is clear that their point of view when it comes to the Kurdish question is denial and annihilation. On the other hand though the AKP actions amount to the fascism of the Green Turkism. The White Turkism policies of CHP and MHP is based on the Committee of the Union and Progress and it can be traced back to 1906. Behind it one could find the German fascism. Fascism was able to establish itself institutionally in the areas of ideology and power relations. In most of the Unionists, like Enver Pascha such a mentality dominates. Up until the establishment of the Republic this unionist mentality backed by Germany is in total charge. Sweden has now also adopted the law on the Armenian Genocide. Deniz Baykal told the media that this was “an assault on the Republic”. He knows. This shows that CHP carries on the institutionalized fascism of Union and Progress Committee based on ideology and power. This is why Baykal has made that statement. Mustafa Kemal tried to be a little independent after establishment of the Republic. However later the unionists have been supported by the English. The unionist cadres such as Ismet Pascha and Fevzi Cakmak besieged  Mustafa Kemal and rendered him ineffective. Hence Mustafa Kemal made it look as if he was close to the English. I even claim that the death of Mustafa Kemal raises suspicion. But the US and England seems to have withdrawn their support for the unionists when we consider the latest developments. They support the policies of the AKP.  This is what they mean when they talk about moderate Islam. The reason why I think AKP policies are fascism based on Green Turkism is: Instead of a concrete resolution they only look as if they are resolving it but in fact what they are doing is to implement an elimination. Hence this policy is even more dangerous. This is an English policy and can be traced back to the 1550's. The English interfered in Spain and detached Portugal. The situation of the Bask people is a result of such policies. They destroyed the Austrian and Hungarian Empires through the usage of Prussia. They were also able to dissipate the Ottoman Empire through similar policies. Just like the case of Cyprus, Armenia and Greece with the establishment of a small Cyprus, a small Greece and a small Armenia they secured the devotion of these people. They are trying out something similar with the Kurds. They plan to establish a small Kurdish nation-state and devote all the Kurds there. This way they will keep them all under control and have them serve their own interests.  They wish to do something similar in Diyarbakır as well. This is why they wish to eliminate the Freedom Movement that represents the Kurds with independent stance and free will power. AKP tries to achieve very the same thing with the Kurds it has in the party. Indeed, the project called an opening is the implementation of these policies. This is the role given to the AKP by the global capital. The aim of the policies implemented by the global hegemony in the 1930's was to create a bourgeoisie that sides with the CHP. Look at Vehbi Koç; he ended up owning a huge global holding from a small shop in Ankara as a result of such policies. Under normal conditions are such things possible? All of these has been done to align themselves with such global policies. And now what they are trying to do is create a class that is pro-AKP and they call it the green capital. At the same time they are also trying to form a collaborationist Kurdish bourgeoisie. They have nearly achieved this in the South. They wish to do the same in Diyarbakir. Nevertheless it may be wrong to say that all of AKP is the same. There maybe those who are sincere and are for a resolution. It is really difficult to say something definite about Erdoğan. I have doubts about him. I wonder if he really wants to resolve the issue but he does not have the might! I really don't know, he may not have the power. This is a question mark for me. There was Özal of course, he was really sincere. He was a child of Anatolia. He wanted to try something else and not implement these English-US policies. He wanted peace, and that is why they killed him. Ecevit was a little similar and that is why he became paralyzed and was finally eliminated. Andf I was handed over to Turkey by CIA and MOSSAD. One should really understand all this. Thousands of Kurdish politicians have been arrested. AKP is eliminating democratic politics and supporting those who benefit its own mentality. It is because they are scared of democratic politics that they are arresting them. I think the establishment of Academy of Politics is quiet important. It is a must for democratic politics. They are aware of its importance and it is intentional. They are trying to stop the Kurds. There is also a discussion on the changes in law for the children. Altough they make it sound as if these discussions are a step for a resolution it is not the case.

Letters from other prisons have reached me. A friend from Bingöl prison has sent me a letter there he discusses democratic communalism. It was well written, he should keep up the good work. There are also letter from Rize, Siirt and Erzurum prisons. I received a letter from Şadiye Manap, Midyat prison. Please give my greetings to all the friends in the various prisons as well as friends in Izmir Kiriklar prison and our people in Izmir. I would like to especially send my special greetings to woman friends and wish them well in their work. I also send my greetings to those who work and deliver the daily newspaper.

March 12, 2010