Народные силы самообороны

The Turkish State has given the go-ahead for a policy of massacre against the Kurdish people and let loose it's hoods and killers.Following armed attacks in Amed, Gever and Istanbul, they were on the scene again in Muş. Two people were killed in the town of Bulanik in demonstrations protesting the closure of the DTP and Abdullah Öcalan's prison conditions. Of the wounded, four are in a critical condition.

The inhabitants of Muş's Kop town shut their stores in protest at the closure of the DTP and Abdullah Öcalan's conditions of confinement. The crowd wanted to march to Aslanpaşa High Street for a press statement, but were attacked by police. A small-scale battle ensued as the police attacked with compressed water and gas bombs. This commonplace attack against Kurdish people reached different proportions when a 'store owner' named Turan Bilen shot arbitrarily at protestors with a Kalashnikov.

Necmi Oral, who was hit in the head by a bullet, and the Yoncalı village headman Kemal Ağca, who was hit in the heart, died. Eight people were also wounded in the attack, four of whom are still in a critical condition.

According to eyewitness accounts the attack took place right in front of the police. Muş Bar Chairman Sabahattin Göçmen said that the attack was planned and drew attention to the fact that despite all the stores being shut only Turan Bilen's drapery was open. Göçmen also said that the crowd which had come together for a press statement had been directed to that street by police on purpose. Göçmen expressed that the incident was not independent of State forces with the following words, ''police were seen around the drapery from 6am onwards. Guns like Kalashnikovs and G-3's were fired during the incident.''


The attacker Turan Bilen apparently runs a drapery store. It is not known how, but this draper has authorisation to keep a Kalashnikov gun. Information about Bilen indicates that he works with JITEM and is a voluntary village guard, which further strengthens the State's involvement in the attack. According to the latest information, Bilen and his family have been taken out of the town by soldiers in a helicopter.

Turan Bilen is originally from Mardin and has Arab roots. His family was involved in an armed attack against a leftist Kurdish organisation in 1978. His father Şerif Bilen is thought to be responsible for the deaths of two PKK guerrillas in 1992. The incident is much more complicated and murky than portrayed by the Turkish media which tried to explain it by saying Bilen was incited. This is proven by Bilen's dark past.

It has also been indicated that Bilen, who is one of the founders of the MHP organisation in the town of Kop, tried to provoke other DTP demonstrations in the past. Other information suggests that Bilen works with JITEM and security forces and is a voluntary village guard.

It has also been said that Bilen holds heavy artillery in his store and is involved in the gun trade with some of the soldiers from the gendarmerie headquarters in the town. The Kalashnikov used in the attack has legal authorisation. It has been indicated that Bilen was not arrested following the incident, but escorted from the town with his family in a helicopter. This has been confirmed by Muş Governor Erdoğan Bektaş.

Bektaş said, ''we had to put Turan Bilen under protection'' on a TV programme. Turkey Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan and his assistant Bulent Arınç described the incident as being simply 'the reaction of a storekeeper.' Erdoğan, who continues to target Kurds, had described a shot-gun attack in Istanbul as being a natural reaction. State Minister and Prime Minister's Assistant Bulent Arınç claimed that the incident was judicial. He said, ''the incident is judicial... and occurred because of an argument between protestors and the storekeeper.''