Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

Since the Turkish army built itself on the destruction of Kurdish people and Kurdistan in the war in Kurdistan, they continued their savage attacks that do not fit the laws of war at every chance. The attack on the Mehmet Karasungur Martyrdom Cemetery in the region of Qandil once again revealed this truth. In this context, the details of the attacks of the Turkish state and the actions developed by our guerrilla forces are as follows;

1. At 5 pm on April 5, our forces carried out an action against a group of soldiers positioned at the top of Martyr Colemerg Hill of Hakkari's Çukurca district. Four soldiers were killed when four positions and one container were destroyed in this action. After the action, the surrounding outposts bombarded this area with howitzers and mortars.

2. On March 25, the Turkish army started a comprehensive operation in Dersim's Vartinik, Cıbıryan and Deşt areas. There were clashes between our guerrilla forces and the Turkish army in this operation which continued with thousands of soldiers, special operations teams and intensive technically equipped weapons. The fascist gangs that suffered losses in the clashes also subjected these areas to intense bombardment. During the clashes which took place in the operation, 14 of our comrades who fought heroically reached martyrdom. The ID information of our martyrs will be shared with the public once it is clarified.

3. At 9:30 on April 5th, the Turkish army's warplanes bombarded the area of ​​Adilbeg of the Avashin area from our Medya Defense Zones.

- Warplanes bombed Martyr Mehmet Karasungur Martyrdom Cemetery in the Qandil region between 11:00 and 12:30 on the 5th of April. As a result of the bombardment, the cemetery museum was demolished.

- On April 5, between 18.00 and 18.30, warplanes bombed the area of ​​Şifreza of the Zap region and between the hours of 19:30 and 20:00, the area of ​​Martyr Rüstem.

April 6, 2017

HPG Press Centre