1- On 23rd of August, 2010, in between 09:00-12:00 hours, the Turkish state army carried an attack on the areas of Ertus, Kucuk Cilo, Sehit Neval Valley and the village of Petrot/Zap/the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars.
1- On 22nd of August, 2010, in between 19:00-20:00 hours, the Turkish state army carried obus and mortars attack on the areas of Hirore and Zozane/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas.
1- On 19th of August, 2010, in between 06:00-07:00 hours, the Turkish state army bombarded the area of Besta/Sirnak, with obus and mortars.
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The European Court of Human Rights rejected our application for the re-trial case. There is a special jurisdiction implemented towards me. They are responding to unlawfulness with unlawfulness. The court in fact did not expose the plot and the subsequent kidnapping that occurred in Kenya. This could have been a turning point. They can either open a whole new page by exposing the plot or can continue with this state of unlawfulness.
The case in relation to the death penalty being converted to aggrevated life sentence is of importance because at the time they imposed a sentence that did not exist at the time of the trial. If ECHR ensures that the fifth volume shall reach them then I shall write that as well. This final volume shall be of importance because it shall be about the resolution of the issue, I have concrete thoughts. I am not sure if they shall hand it over. The Court can come and examine the conditions I am in. They can stay here for 24 hours and see. In order to be able to breath here I have to lean against the window. This is the only way I can get some air. Under such circumstances I can finish my defence by the end of the year. You may request additional time. If they can ensure that they obtain the defence then I can prepare it. As I have repeatedly pointed out they are imposing a special law on me, a law specific to me. ECHR must realise this.
What did really happen in Batman? That event looks quite ambigious. It should be investigated well. They are trying to blame the PKK. It could be a plot. There was a sheikh that was shot in Batman a while ago. Such families should be attended to and they must warned so that they are not deceived. Other families and tribes should also be made aware of such things. They should all be alert. This incident could be a plot and what follows it may even be a new period of murders by unidentified assailants. This is why I talk of self-defence. I herewith commemorate Salih Özdemir and the others who have lost their lives.
I plead that you protect yourself but they are unable to do even that. There are thousands of people around them, can't they organize themselves, can't they protect themselves? When I hear of such incidents I really get angry. In relation to this specific incidence one should find out the reason why they leave their house. I had previously said before that those well known personalities should not go out at night unless absolutely necessary and even then they should not be alone.
To commemorate Aram Tigran one could open a museum in Diyarbakır. It could even be called the Museum of the Artists or Art House and Aram Tigran could be reserved a room. Besides one could reserve room for the memories of important Kurdish artists and personalities as well. They should not discriminate between them, for example they could own up to artists such as Celal Güzelses as well.
I believe democratic autonomy is also being discussed. We made such a proposal because we thought this was the most appropriate way to resolve the Kurdish issue as it involves democratic and peaceful methods.
Taha Akyol does not really understand what is going on. Their heads are full of statist ideologies. But it is normal for them to be so since people are under the severe bombardment of capitalism. They have been raised under the influence of conventional forms of thought. Social sciences and universities have served capitalism as well. This is why he finds it difficult to understand that a different resolution model can exist. He can't even imagine it and think outside of these conventional forms. The evaluations I have arrived at are both due to my own thoughts but also due to the books and thoughts of other authors who are able to break free from capitalist thought.
We do not believe in a state and statist ways of resolutions. We have said this over and over again. But in the mean time I do not exactly think like the anarchist thinkers either. All we want however is that the state is cleansed off the racist-fachist structures and perspectives. To us democratization of the society and people's internalisation of democracy is of top priority. Within such a system what is really important is that the awareness of the people is raised through their organization. This can be achieved independent of the state and with no expectations from it. This is why I proposed that hundreds of NGO's and councils.
It is quite clear that a statist resolution shall not really lead to a solution but lead things to a more grave levels. There are those, such as Elci, who defend a resolution based on a federation here. Such a model shall not resolve the question at hand instead it is clear that it shall result in a chaos that may continue for many year to come just like the Palestenian question. What we are trying to do is to prevent such a development. They have fallen into the trap in the South as well. This is the trap of the emperialism, just like the Palestine. They established a puppet state in Palestine in order to intervene as they wish. This is why no peace can be attained for neither for Israel nor for Palestine. Indeed this is what is wished to be achieved with the Kurdistan formation in the South as well. One must be aware of this so as not to fall into such a trap.
I have explained the issue of democratic autonomy, especially in the book called 'Freedom of Sociology', in detail. In order for democratic autonomy to be understood these books should be read and discussed well.
I ratify the latest decisions taken by the PKK. I had made such calls to this end not long ago. It may be declared to the press and public that I support this decision of the PKK. I thank all my friends especially those in the mountains very much. I believe this shall last until the end of the referendum. Indeed it would have been enough for it to continue until the end of the referendum, like the 13 or 14 of September. But that is not so important, what is important is that this period is utilized well. The guerrillas shall keep away from attacking the garnizons during this period. In addition unless they have to protect themselves they shall keep away from using the mines. But just as I said if they are coming with an intention to exterminate and there is no other way then in order to protect themselves they can most definitely use all means.
At such a time everyone must work more then ever before. If you think that this issue shall be resolved in time by itself then you are gravely mistaken. Because such a period may on the one hand be an opportunity for a great peace and bear a democratic solution and on the other hand may be the exact opposite and evolve into an unwanted substantial warfare. I really feel uneasy. Ergenekon like war lobbiests may once again step in.
The conditions for peace and war are both present. The guerrillas must also be aware of this. The process may equally end up in either peace or war. In all the regions where guerrillas are present on behalf of me these things should be explained and each and everyone of them must be told that I thank them.
As I pointed out we shall wait until the date of the referendum and see the stance of the government. This period of 'inaction' shall expose whether AKP is sincere or not. The stance of the army shall also become clear. Towards the end of this period I shall make a new evaluation in the light of the developments. We shall not accept any delays. I had previously withdrawn due to such delays and the fact that the state and government were not behaving seriously. If they continue to delay things then I shall not be able to do anything anymore either.
Hence everyone; including NGO's, intellectuals, writers, socialists, democrats, who wants a democratic and peaceful solution to the issue then must do all that they can in order for this brief period to turn into something permanent. Especially those who called for a ceasefire must utilize this period well.
During this period of ceasefire politics must play its role, politics must be the main feature. BDP must utilize this period to make its political breakthrough.
The other issue is the issue of referendum. Just as you are all aware there is nothing that concerns the Kurds directly in this constitutional package; the Kurdish issue has basically been ignored. Our people are free to discuss it in all its dimensions. The new arrangement paves the way for the possibility of AKP to establish its own hegemony. One should also not fall into this trap either. Our people should discuss all possibilites and then come to a decision. We know that those that shall say 'yes' are the Islamist nationalists. But the others are national nationalists. But we should take a democratic stance in relation to the democratic developments.
For one there is a need to clarify this: Why do we Kurds not exist in this republic? If we are told we are the inherent constitutive element of this republic and we took part in the establishment of this republic then how did it happen that we came to this? This must be discussed well. This is the most important part; how did we become so flimsy? During the Ottoman times Kurds held an autonomous position. Even M. Kemal has acted together with the Kurds during the founding years of the republic and has talked about autonomy. But his statements in relation to the above aspects have even been censored from his most famous 'Speech' while he was alive. These issues are discussed in Ahmet Özer's book called “Turks and Kurds”. The democrats of Turkey must approach the issue from this perspective.
I send my special greeting to the people of Batman.
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1- On 20th of August, 2010, in between 18:30-20:00 hours, the Turkish state army bombarded the area of Besta/Sirnak, with obus and mortars.
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President of the Kurdistan Democratic Confederation (KCK) Murat Karayilan set conditions to extend the ceasefire that will last on September 20.President of the KCK Murat Karayilan said that the aim of the ceasefire is to pave the way of a bilateral truce between Turkish state and the PKK.
He demanded the release of the 1700 Kurdish politicians and activists still in jail. Karayilan also said that Turkish state must lay out the framework for Kurdish national leader Abdullah Ocalan's active participation to the peace process
Karayilan labeled 10 percent election threshold as a barrier to Kurdish political parties and called Turkish to lower it.
“If all these conditions are met this process can lead to a sustainable peace” Karayilan said.
Karayilan said the declaration of ceasefire is “a chance for peace”.
Karayilan also called the president of Federal Kurdistan Government Massoud Barzani to take role in peace process and welcomed Barzani’s statements after the declaration of ceasefire.
“This process can move forward if Turkish state and AKP government take steps. If they don’t it will end in a stalemate” Karayilan said.
19.08.2010- On 18th of August, 2010, the Chairman of the Executive Council of the KCK, Murat Karayilan, answered questions from the ANF news agency regarding the reports in the German media on the use of chemical weapons by the Turkish state.
Karayilan said that the Turkish state army had been using chemical weapons for 16 years now. And, this has again brought to agenda before by a labororatuary in Munich/Germany. He said that Turkey regularly uses chemical weapons in some areas against the guerrillas. This is not something new. The Turkish state army has been using chemical weapons against our guerrilla forces wherever they have got into difficulty against the guerrillas during the clashes since 1994. Even in the spring of 1999, I think it was in May, 20 of our guerrillas under the command of friend Hamza, have been martyred near the village of Bilika/Cudi/Sirnak as a result of the use of chemical weapons by the Turkish state army. After the clashes, our friends found a tube of the chemical that had been used against the guerrillas on the scene where the clashes occurred. This tube was sent to Europe, where I was at that time. So, I personally followed closely on this issue to be analysed in the laboratories. And, we sent it to a lab in Munich, Germany to analyse the contents of the tube. After that, the result of the analysis was that there was a chemical element to effect a certain small area.
So, Germany knows that chemical weapons have been used against the guerrilla forces since that time. What I do not know is why they put this report on the agenda now. And, according to the reports in the press, they even took the case to the German parliament. So, for the last sixteen years there is use of chemical weapons against our guerrillas. Despite the result of the container with the chemical element, no one, including the international forces, either said or did anything about it. Somehow, we could not carry this to the international agenda at the time. Yet, now this has been put onto the agenda in Germany. It has to be followed to see how serious they can be to stay on this case. However, it is a reality that Turkey uses chemical weapons, not everywhere, but wherever they see it is as suitable to use.
18.08.2010- Kurdish organizations in Europe declared support for Peace and Democracy Party's (BDP) decision to boycott constitutional referendum on 12 September. At the same time the organizations declared their support to the proposal of a Democratic Autonomy. The proposal is being debated among various circles both in Turkey and Europe. So far it has been discussed especially by Kurdish associations and groups, but interest in the project has already been declared by various institutions and intellectuals in Europe.
Representatives of 228 Kurdish organizations throughout Europe issued a statement in support of BDP's boycott campaign, in Dusseldorf.
At the same press conference the Kurdish organizations also declared their support for Democratic Autonomy as the only method to find a peaceful solution to the Kurdish Question.
The Kurdish organizations called on the United Nations, United States, Russia and European Union to contribute to the peace process.
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1- Special Teams and soldiers wearing civilian clothes belongs to the Turkish state army launched a comprehensive military operation against the villages of Kirmecok, Baskent, Benzen, Mila Koxe and Geliye Gulik/Varto/Mus, in the morning hours of 17th of August, 2010. The military operation's scope extents while continues.
1- On 12th of August, 2010, in between 08:00-09:00 hours, the Turkish state army bombarded the area of Ware Kemal/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and tanks.
1- On 9th of August, 2010, the Turkish state army carried an attack with fire balls thrown from the scorscy type helikopters against the area of Museka and Bezeno. As a result, a fire began in the area, which still continues.
1- On 8th of August, 2010, at around 18:30 hours, our guerrillas carried a road blocage action on the 20th km of the district of Ovacik-Dersim. As a result of this road blokage action, approximately 100 vehicles have been stopped and about 500 people gathered together by our guerrillas to evaluate the latest political developments, and also the I.D. control also been made.